7 Tools That Will Revolutionize Your Job Search

Aha Moment: Equipping yourself with the right tools will give you the edge you need to land the perfect job.

The job search of today looks quite a bit different than it used to.

It used to be largely a passive process that involved filling out a paper application and/or turning in a paper resume  –  and then waiting.

That’s basically it – biding your time.

It was a much more hands-off process than the one of today.

The modern job search requires more from you as the applicant than ever before.

There’s more competition, more ways to access information on prospective opportunities, and more required in how you connect with recruiters  –  which has changed the way you should prepare for your job search today.

There is a bright side, though – all the tools you have at your disposal.

Let’s look at seven specific devices that you can use to give your job-search efforts a boost.

1. Be connected online.

Your social media accounts are valuable tools to use as you seek a new job.

Make sure that your profiles are completely filled out and represent the image you’d like future employers to have of you and attributes you want others to share about you when they refer you.

LinkedIn is your best friend when it comes to an online job search. It’s crucial that you put the time and effort into crafting a profile that accurately displays your skills and qualifications.

2. Have a polished resume.

Your resume is an important job-search tool.

That goes for your actual paper resume (Yes, you still need to have one!) and your online resume.

Both the paper and the digital versions should be consistent with one another, containing all the information that’s pertinent to the job you’re seeking.

3. Have a keyword strategy.

This may be an unfamiliar term in relation to a job search.

Don’t worry – you’re not alone!

Having a keyword strategy means that you’re aware of and are using the words that are commonly associated with the job for which you’re applying.

You actually need to use two different types of keywords.

  • Qualitative keywords center around qualities that you possess. Think of five specific keywords that are based on skills you have and their impact in your role. For example, you may be referred to as:
  • A “digital strategist.”
  • An “effective change agent.”
  • A “ results-driven leader.”
  • A “transformer.”
  • Technical words should be focused on your industry. You should have a handle on the buzzwords for the industry you’re in or desire to go into. For example:
  • “Digital.”
  • “Agile.”
  • “Integration.”
  • “Sustainability.”
  • “Integrated marketing.”

Make sure these keywords show up in your online and paper resumes; otherwise, you may be overlooked and not even considered.

In addition, some of the vetting process is done digitally. In today’s job search process it’s common for a computer to scan for certain keywords in your resume and pass you by if yours is lacking.

4. Have a networking strategy.

There are four considerations you should make when you’re creating a networking strategy.

  1. The company. What social media accounts do you follow? Are you following the companies for whom you’re interested in working? Hint: This one’s a no-brainer!
  2. Individual online connections. Make the effort to connect with people who work for the companies in which you’re interested. Attempt to establish a relationship or some level of connectivity. You could also ask that person to mentor you, which will give the individual a chance to understand your experience. It’s also useful for sharing information and data. You may even have shared connections that you didn’t realize.
  • Attend events. Find out about events being held by companies you’re interested in via LinkedIn connections and show up. Let your face be seen!
  • Networking through referral. Find mutual connections to get someone to refer you to a company. The idea is to find someone who can vouch for you and your character to a person with a strong connection to a company where you’d like to work.

5. Find volunteer opportunities.

It’s understandable that you’re a job seeker, so you may not have much actual experience in a field you’re interested in.

One way to gain that experience is to volunteer in the industry. For example, if you wanted to build marketing skills, you could lend your time to a local small business and get your feet wet.

You’re building your resume with experience without actually doing the job yet. It’s tangible information you can take to the interview with you.

6. Use LinkedIn as a tool.

LinkedIn is actually one of the most important job-search tools in your arsenal.


Because it’s now where most recruiters go first to find candidates.

Having a complete profile is absolutely vital if you want to attract interested prospective employers.

When a recruiter gets your name, the first thing he or she will do is go to LinkedIn and see how credible you are. It doesn’t matter if all your other ducks are in a row or you have a polished paper resume – a lacking or incomplete profile will probably keep recruiters from looking further and you may not even get a chance.

It’s that important!

Not only are recruiters using LinkedIn to find out about you, you can use it to search for jobs, apply for jobs, connect to people in the industry, as well as the companies in which you’re interested.

7. Research companies online.

As you’re looking at the potential companies you may want to join, do your homework.

Find out where they’re going, what’s important to them and what’s trending in the industry so that you can position your skills to fit and be a relevant candidate for future opportunities.

The right job-search tools make all the difference

You don’t use a wrench to hammer a nail, do you?

You might, but it won’t work very well  –  and you’ll probably end up in need of bandages.

Think about the modern job search in the same way.

You have to have the right tools.

When you’re connected online, have a networking strategy and you’re maximizing the potential of your LinkedIn profile, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Use these and the rest of the shared tips to get current and boost your job search results today.

What tools do you need to add to your job-seeking arsenal?